A Cultural Investigation Into Why You're Actually Not Blocked (And Other Uncomfortable Truths)
you're just not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Truth Time™️: You're not blocked.
Not from inspiration, not from intuition, not from opportunity. I know this might trigger your "but what about..." response mechanism, but stay with me here while I destroy everything you believe about your creative process.
Last night I realized that I just passed my ten year anniversary living in LA, which is weird considering that I'm only 14 years old myself. Time flies when you're sitting in traffic on the 405!
The year I moved here, I fell headlong into what I now lovingly call the Great Holistic Blog Era. You remember it — every wellness website looked like it was art directed by someone whose entire personality was simply "I own a hat." Just endless photos of women in wide-brimmed fedoras surrounded by carefully arranged crystal grids and $300 worth of adaptogenic powders that taste like dirt but promise to change your life.
(Pour one out for all the Moon Juice I bought in 2015 thinking it would fix my relationship with my mother… totally helped my energy levels, though! U guys know I ride for ACB)
Look, the aesthetics were contagious. Who amongst us hasn't strategically placed a crystal on their MacBook in hopes of manifesting a book deal? But something else spread even faster than the urge to spend $85 on mushroom powder — this idea of the Great Unblocking.
Suddenly we all became convinced we were spiritually constipated. Blocked from creativity, success, "alignment".
If you couldn't pay rent? Blocked.
Bad Hinge date? Blocked.
Generally questioning your life choices while crying into an overpriced green juice? You better believe that's a blocking, honey!
But not blocked in a "maybe I should eat more fiber" way. No no. This was spiritual blockage, baby. And the only cure was to:
Do intensive shadow work
Practice 47 different types of meditation
Cleanse your entire energetic field with sage and palo santo
Probably buy a course about unblocking your blocks
(Reader, I owned *so much* sustainably harvested palo santo. Like, "should probably be investigated by forestry services" amounts.)
The self-development industrial complex really said, "What if we convinced an entire generation of women that their creativity works like a hair-clogged shower drain?" And we all just... sighed and pulled out our credit cards.
If we're not constantly channeling divine downloads and manifesting our dreams at the speed of light, something must be WRONG. We must be blocked. We must need healing! We must need to buy another course about healing our blocks about buying courses about healing our blocks.
It's enough to make me want to block the word "block."
The Block That Wasn't
But puh-lease don’t misunderstand me here — I too have been caught in the "spiritual blockage" cinematic universe.
I have vigorously nodded along, agreeing that there must be something I’m unaware of inside of me that requires deep healing, convinced that the reason I couldn't get my life together was because some past-life trauma was energetically cockblocking my success.
Every minor inconvenience became evidence of my supposed spiritual constipation. Couldn't find a parking spot? Guy I was dating turned out to be writing Game of Thrones fan fiction under a pseudonym? Meeting got rescheduled? All signs point to something deeply out of alignment with me.
Especially after comparing myself to the Great Blogging Hat Wearers, I’d look at my life and think, “There must be something I’m unaware of that requires deep healing, because this [my job, my relationship, how I feel in my body, how I feel about myself] is just too hard. This can’t be right.”
I became the Nancy Drew of my own neuroses, desperately hunting for clues about what was "wrong" with me. Like a spiritual hypochondriac, I diagnosed myself with everything from "ancestral wounds" to "money blocks" to "inner child trauma" to “low self worth.” I grew convinced that if I excavated myself enough, I would find the missing link that was knocking me out of alignment and then everything would suddenly and magically lock into place.
The plot twist? While I was busy trying to excavate my shadow self with all the subtlety of a jackhammer at 7am, I was actually creating the very thing I thought I was trying to fix. By convincing myself I needed to achieve some mythical state of perfect healing before I could [insert literally any basic life task here], I'd basically put myself in a spiritual time-out corner.
It's like saying "I can't start writing until I've read every book ever written about writing, plus gotten an MFA, plus consulted with the ghost of Virginia Woolf via Ouija board." At some point, you have to admit that maybe — just maybe — you're not actually blocked. Maybe you're just really committed to an elaborate form of procrastination that looks great on Instagram. Maybe you’re just really committed to a sneaky form of self-hatred.
Who knows! (Not me!)
But here's what tends to happen when we feel "blocked":
Hit a natural plateau (normal, boring, fine)
Panic because you're not "in flow"
Diagnose yourself with spiritual blockages (esoteric WebMD-style)
Deep dive into “healing work” (potentially just spiritual procrastination?)
Wait for perfect conditions (couldn't serve even if drafted)
Stay stuck because you're waiting to be "unblocked" (oop, played yourself)
It's the spiritual equivalent of trying to fix your computer by downloading more RAM — it sounds good in theory, but that's not actually how any of this works.
Consider the Benefits of a Plateau
What if what you're calling a "block" is actually a plateau that you're meant to stay with for a while? What if there's something valuable to learn in this apparent stillness?
Think about it: Kids don't learn language like they're downloading an iOS update. They'll say nothing but "no" for six weeks straight (relatable), and then suddenly they're reciting Shakespeare. They weren't blocked — they were processing. Like your iPhone at 1% battery, they were quietly downloading crucial updates in the background.
The same thing happens with us. What we call being "blocked" is often just our system's natural integration period.
Or what if there is something “off” for you that requires an energetic tune in — that’s real. But instead of feeling around in the dark, being all Wilma “my glasses my glasses!” about it, what if you could run yourself through a gentle checklist that helps you notice where something isn’t quite right so you can massage it back into place?
Could be… interesting, no?
The Healing Hustle
I recently got annoyed on the internet for some weird terminology I’ve seen thrown around regarding “nervous system reset.” (Don’t even get me started…)
As much as this phrase ticks me off, I get the appeal of a reset. A full do-over. A fresh start on a blank slate.
The healing industrial complex subtly pushes this idea that we need to be completely healed before we can move forward to embrace our destinies. As if to accept our fate, we need to have a brand new, unblemished aura.
If that were true, literally no one would ever do anything. We'd all just be sitting in meditation caves somewhere, working on our shadows until we achieved perfect enlightenment.
(Spoiler alert: Even the Buddha had stuff to work on. That's kind of the whole point.)
The healing industrial complex has us believing we need to:
Process every trauma (in this economy?)
Clear every blockage (like spiritual Drano)
Heal every wound (emotionally and physically impossible)
Balance every chakra (what does this even mean)
Sage every corner of our lives (RIP your security deposit)
Before we can:
Start that business
Raise our prices
Share our art
Take that leap
Trust our intuition
It's exhausting. It's also completely unnecessary.
The Permish to JDI (Just Do It)
Plot twist: You don't need to heal your entire ancestral lineage before you can trust yourself to pick a website template. You don't need to achieve spiritual enlightenment before you can price your services. You don't need to sage your entire zip code (and possibly several neighboring states) before you can take action.
You don't need permission from your healed self to start living your life. You don't need to wait until your energy is perfectly aligned to trust your intuition.
Start the business while still having money wounds
Share your art while still having imposter syndrome
Trust your intuition while still having trust issues
Take the leap while still being afraid
Succeed while still being a work in progress — literally everyone who's ever done anything was figuring it out as they went
Instead of viewing plateaus as blocks that need to be cleared, what if we saw them as integration periods? Times when our system is quietly processing and preparing for the next leap, like the space between Netflix dropping episodes — necessary, annoying, but ultimately serving a purpose?
This doesn't mean we never do shadow work or healing. It just means we don't need to use it as a mandatory prerequisite for moving forward. We can heal AND take action. We can process AND progress. We can acknowledge our wounds AND still show up.
The Way Forward
So what do we do instead of constantly trying to unblock ourselves?
Notice the Plateau: When you feel "blocked," ask yourself: What's actually downloading here? What's processing in the background while I scroll TikTok?
Honor the Timing: Sometimes slowness is the medicine. Not every moment needs to be giving main character energy.
Take Imperfect Action: Stop waiting for perfect conditions. They don't exist. Even Dolly Parton had to start somewhere.
Trust Your System: Your intuition works even when you're not perfectly healed. Your creativity flows even when the astrological transits are being messy.
Keep Moving: You can heal while you move forward. It's like patting your head and rubbing your stomach, except instead of coordination it requires emotional maturity.
The Uncomfortable Truth
You're not blocked. You're just in process. And that process doesn't need to be perfect for you to take the next step.
Stop waiting to be unblocked. Stop waiting to be healed enough. Stop waiting for perfect conditions.
Start where you are. Trust what you know. Move forward anyway.
Your intuition works. Your creativity flows. Your wisdom is present.
Even when you're not perfect. Especially when you're not perfect.
Because here's the real truth: The magic isn't in being unblocked. The magic is in moving forward anyway, trusting that you'll figure it out as you go.
And you will. You always do.
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This is everything. Thank you!
the wilma "my glasses my glasses" moment lol