Catch the second and a half installment of our captivating three-part series, 'Bonus Case Study George Saunders,' where we unravel the intriguing journey of acclaimed author George Saunders. Explore how his diverse career experiences, from technical writing to engineering, have profoundly shaped his approach to storytelling. Uncover the hidden connections between his past professions and his unique fiction writing style. Delve into the pivotal role teaching plays in Saunders' creative process and gain valuable insights into his philosophy that the writing life is an ongoing, ever-evolving journey, not just a destination.
Tune in for a captivating exploration of unexpected inspirations and the art of storytelling.
Non-writing jobs offer valuable insights and perspectives that enrich creative work.
Technical writing constraints can be beneficial for fiction, shaping unique storytelling styles.
Personal experiences are essential storytelling material, influencing narratives profoundly.
Teaching sharpens writing skills, keeps one connected to research, and inspires continuous growth.
Embracing the ongoing writing process over a defined endpoint fosters continuous artistic evolution and fulfillment.
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This podcast is edited by Softer Sounds Studios
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